Carlisle Area School District requires all students to have access to an Internet-accessible device to support their educational program while striving to ensure equitable digital access. Students may choose to use a District-assigned device or may choose to use a personal device as long as the device allows access to the required digital platforms and assigned resources. Elementary and middle school students are strongly encouraged to use a District-provided device for consistency and technology support for their respective educational levels. Students that choose to use the District-provided laptop or iPad are not eligible for the $750 reimbursement program available to full-time CVA students.
Devices assigned by the District remain District property. It is the responsibility of the student and parent/guardians to ensure the device is properly cared for and remains in good working condition.
• Devices may not be tampered with or repaired by anyone outside of the CASD Technology Department.
• Software, including ‘apps’, may only be installed from the Software Center (laptops) and the App Portal (iPads).
It is important that each student follows Acceptable Use Policy guidelines and proper use and handling guidelines, and makes responsible choices when using the device. Additional information regarding access to Schoology, Seesaw, videoconferencing etiquette, internet safety, as well as FAQ, is available at
There is no initial technology fee for the device. Technology issues and damage must be reported to the CASD Technology Department through the form as soon as possible. It is important that damage is reported promptly to have devices restored to optimal functionality for the student in a timely manner.
Normal wear and tear, factory defects, and software issues will not result in a repair cost. However, damage to the device, preventable or accidental, will result in a repair fee assessed on an incremental basis as noted below:
iPad (Grades K – 8)
Incident #1 - $20
Incident #2 - $45
Incident #3 - $100
Laptop (Grades 9 – 12)
Incident #1 $40
Incident #2 $90
Incident #3 $200
If damage to a device is determined to be the result of negligent, deliberate, willful, intentional or reckless action, students and parents/guardians will be responsible for the full cost of repair or replacement and face disciplinary action.
Lost or stolen equipment must be reported to the building principal immediately. Students and parents/guardians are responsible for the replacement cost.
The device and charger must be returned at the end of the current school year or prior to the date of withdrawal. Failure to return each of these items will result in an obligation equal to the replacement cost of the items.